Algumas pessoas (e a NASA!) acham que este é o melhor exercício de sempre! Eu nunca pensei que fosse experimentar qualquer coisa nova nos ginásios de cá, mas agora que abriu um ginásio novo aqui na zona chique de Dublin (Ballsbrige, o Restelo cá do sítio!) vieram cheios de novidades ...
... acabei de fazer uma aula de Rebounding! E é o máximo!
"É divertido, é fácil e seguro para quase toda a gente e de qualquer idade ... segundo a NASA: é o exercício mais eficiente até agora descoberto pelo homem. E ainda por cima pode-se praticar em casa, enquanto se vê TV! o que é? Rebounding!" - Ok, Isto é mesmo à Americana, podes fazer exercício em frente à TV com o comando numa mão e as batatas fritas na outra!
Put simply – bouncing on a mini trampoline. Unlike regular trampolining, the aim isn’t to bounce high or perform gymnastic tricks, but to perform a series of small, controlled movements.
Benefits of Rebounding
A zero-impact exercise, rebounding provides many benefits for you and your body:
Improves circulation
Increases the capacity of heart and lungs
Lowers cholesterol leve ls
Improves co-ordination and balance
Reduces stress and tension
Improves muscle tone (particularly legs, thighs, hips, abdomen and arms)
Increases energy and vitality
Boosts the lymphatic and immune system
Fits in with your lifestyle
Put simply – bouncing on a mini trampoline. Unlike regular trampolining, the aim isn’t to bounce high or perform gymnastic tricks, but to perform a series of small, controlled movements.
Benefits of Rebounding
A zero-impact exercise, rebounding provides many benefits for you and your body:
Improves circulation
Increases the capacity of heart and lungs
Lowers cholesterol leve ls
Improves co-ordination and balance
Reduces stress and tension
Improves muscle tone (particularly legs, thighs, hips, abdomen and arms)
Increases energy and vitality
Boosts the lymphatic and immune system
Fits in with your lifestyle
Plus, unlike many other aerobic activities, rebounding places no strain on the joints of your body.
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